Friday, July 28, 2006

17 days - not bad

So my blogging strike is over. It was refreshing!
Ohh, Mass - achusetts was awesome. Family is awesome. They are different versions of you!
And some company is just like family.
And I realized I am a moody person. It's not easy to admit (since I usually make fun of such people), but nonetheless.

I have yet to get pictures from MASS. But I love the pic on the left because I think it looks like my cousin james.

So I was going to do the whole "If you haven't used it in six months throw it away." That's so hard!! I truly know that I will need it, but it will be like six years down the road. Alice wore pants last Sunday that MY MOM WORE WHEN SHE WAS IN PRINCTON!! We're sure glad she held on to them! I have a little shirt I got in Italy I plan on giving to my first niece or nephew! (I really got it for alice, but it was too small for her) It's funny how WE MAKE things MEAN SOMETHING.

Sometimes you just have to shoot high. You miss, you miss, at least you didn't sit in the A/C. Antarctica has never appealed to me as a place to visit, but it's not bad to sing about. Roofing tallyhho.

My new thing is: Going to sleep. No more of this staying up till three thirty then waking up at six. Yeah, anyone can survive on three hours of sleep, but then in the middle of the day your hands start to shake and you blame that on the CAFFEINE and you blame that on NO SLEEP! Somethings going to change, So Good night. AND MAN DOES IT FEEL GREAT TO BE BACK!!!!


Sam said...

It's great to have you back. Really.

TESTPLUG said...

well welcome back ...... and if its past 12 dont read this till you get up in the morning

violette said...

beautiful pictures Neen.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Anonymous said...

you are so beautiful! beautiful face